Becoming a guardian
Through history, the Sanctuary of Rocamadour has benefited from the generosity of pilgrims and the thousands of visitors coming every year.
Today, the castle is closed to the public. We need your help to restore it and to be able to fulfill the opening project.
Your donation supports the urgent work needed to allow this historical site to survive.
Contribute to revive the Castle of Rocamadour !
Your tax advantages
66% of your donation to Association Diocésaine de Cahors can be deducted from your French income tax, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income. Your tax reduction is equal to 75% of up to €1,000, then 66% of up to 20% of your taxable income*. If you exceed this limit, you can carry the excess over to the next five years.
You can send your donation by check to the Diocesan Association of Cahors indicating « Rénovation du château de Rocamadour ». In order to obtain your tax receipt, do not forget to specify your information: surname, first name, address and email address.
To be returned to the address:
Association Diocésaine – Sanctuaire de Rocamadour
Le Château
46500 Rocamadour, France
Tax on real estate wealth (IFI)
> Donations deductible from your real estate wealth tax should be sent to the Fondation du Patrimoine mentioning: “Fondation du Patrimoine – Château de Rocamadour”
75% of your donation is deductible from your Tax on real estate wealth (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière or IFI), within the limit of €50,000.
How does it work?
Donations giving you the right to a deduction on your IFI must be made before the deadline for filing your tax return set by the tax authorities. Send your contribution to the Fondation du Patrimoine. We will provide you with a tax receipt.
Corporate philanthropy – Corporate taxes
Become a Guardian through corporate sponsorship
Through sponsorship/philanthropy, companies can make a donation towards restorating the castle, in the form of financial or material aid. This tax deduction applies to cash donations, in-kind donations (e.g. shares and goods) and within the framework of skill-based sponsorship.
For companies, 60% of the donation can be deducted from their French corporate taxes(IS), up to 0.5% of your turnover.
If this threshold is exceeded, it is possible to extend carry the excess to the following five years.
For any questions regarding a partnership, you’re welcome to contact Guillaume Lévy:
The diocese of Cahors and the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Rocamadour warmly thank the partners and corporate sponsors of the project.
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